Toronto Bi+ Network
35 years of community and connections
Our monthly brunch and our all-gender peer support & discussion meetings are back to in-person! BIWOT and BIMOT meetings remain online for now. For access to our virtual spaces please email info@torontobinet.org
We provide a community where bisexuals, pansexuals, omnisexual, queer, 2 spirit, fluid and other bi+/mspec people, as well as those questioning their sexuality, can share diverse perspectives and common experiences.
TBN is committed to operating within an anti-oppression framework. We oppose biphobia, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, anti-black racism, anti-Indigenous racism, prejudice against people of colour, islamophobia, and antisemitism. We denounce white supremacy and recognise that systemic racism continues to be a major problem in Canada.